2/14/2014 0 Comments Super Bowl Sale Success!!!![]() HUT HUT!!!! SHOP!!!! The Knerdy Knitters first group event in 2014 was the Super Bowl Sunday Sale at The Stitch Cafe in Studio City. The Knerds were there bright and early to grab our place in line. Tammy, Sarah, Andrea, and Stacie had scoped out the store beforehand and had a game plan that would make Vince Lombardi proud. We had a GAME PLAN and we executed it PERFECTLY!!!! Great job Team!!! Remember, there is no "I" in YARN!! (or something like that...)
2/14/2014 1 Comment Charity Knit BlanketsOur Charity Knit Coordinator, Jenn, shared some completed projects with us at our Guild meeting tonight. All of these beautiful blankets will be given to Project Linus. Thanks to all for your hard work. These blankets are gorgeous and will be loved. More info about our Charity Projects can be found at /charity-projects.html
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