4/28/2014 0 Comments Solvang Retreat Was A Huge SuccessA great time was had by all at our annual Knerdy Knitter's Retreat. This year we chose Solvang, CA as our yarn-rific location. It began with a lovely reception in the Hotel room complete with wine, munchies, and our Retreat Knit-A-Longs. Saturday was absolutely filled with shopping, eating, spinning demonstrations, olive oil tasting, wine tasting, knitting and crocheting, laughing, eating, hot tubbing, eating, a great King's game on the telly, and even more knitting and crocheting. I swear it was a 36 hour day. No way we packed all this into 24! Sunday was a day filled with walking the streets of Solvang and shopping to our hearts' content. A huge thank you to everyone who participated. If you didn't make it out to see us this year you were sincerely missed.
12/20/2013 1 Comment Knerdy Knitters' Holiday PartyThank you to everyone who participated in our annual Knerdy Knitter Holiday Party. We Knerds converged on the White Harte Pub in Woodland Hills last Saturday and partied the night away. There was food, drinks, and enough "yarn talk" to choke a sheep farmer! The highlight of the night was the Fashion Show. Everyone got to walk the runway and show off their amazing knitting and crocheting talent and their amazing finished projects. If you did not get to make it the Holiday Party this year, you were sincerely missed. We hope you all can make it next year! 8/18/2013 0 Comments Stitch and Pitch July 26, 2013![]() Sarah and Stacie made their way to Dodger stadium July 26th with other Los Angeles area knitters to celebrate this year's "Stitch and Pitch." The turnout was great and our section of seats was filled with knitters from all around Los Angeles. It was so much fun to sit and knit in the legendary stadium that we almost forgot the Dodgers were playing. (Dodgers Won!!!) We got some great ideas about how we can make this event even better for the Knerdy Knitters next year. Four Knerdy Knitters attended the Super Bowl Sunday Mini-yarn crawl at Stitch Cafe. (And we were sad that one of our members caught the flu last night and couldn't make it. We missed you Stacie!) ![]() Here we are, waiting (sort-of) patiently at 8:30am for the Stitch Cafe door to open. There were at leaat 30-40 people in line waiting, too. ![]() And here we are after shopping with our loot. I was going to get some pics inside, but there was yarn flying everywhere. It was just too crazy to stop and think about anything but getting my yarn!
They had brought out extra-sale yarn in bulk bags, as well as their regular yarn. So many great deals, it was hard to pass anything up. I wonder if they will have any yarn left in the store after today with so many deals. We all went in with a plan, got the almost all the yarn we came for (and a little extra), and left without any injuries. All in all, a fantastic morning with Knerdy friends, all walking away happy and and ready to knit during the Super Bowl. ![]() On Saturday, Sept. 15th, Stacie Rasmussen, Jenn Schierholt, and Tamala Takahashi volunteered at the fiber arts and tapestry showroom at the L.A. County Fair. It was a great time knitting, crocheting, and chatting with people passing pay, asking about what we were doing. The fair representative, Edda, was also a delight to talk to. She has so much passion for the creative side of the fair. We were surrounded by beautiful artistry of all kinds. We were even able to see a couple of the guild members' entries from where we were sitting. We had so much fun, we're definitely coming back again next year. We hope you'll be there with us! We had a fun time shopping for yarn and showing off on Super Bowl Sunday. It was a great game, too! Thank you all for coming.
_Come by for an hour, or stay all day - up to you!
Join us in the morning at Stitch Cafe in Valley Village for their annual Superbowl Yarn sale. Line-up time starts at 8:30am. The store opens at 9am. From 9-10am, every yarn in the store is 40% off! This is a great time to stock up on yarn for those big projects. Stitch Cafe 12443 Magnolia Boulevard Valley Village, CA 91607 At 11am, we're heading over to Unwind in Burbank for their Superbowl sale. 30% off their yarn all day, and a special stash sale - it's like a yarn garage sale! Unwind 818 North Hollywood Way Burbank, CA 91505-2831 At around 2pm, we'll be meeting up at Tammy's house in Burbank (use the contact form for the address) for our yarn fest. Bring the yarn you bought in the morning (and any other yarn from your stash), bring your patterns, and we'll work together to figure out which projects to do with our yarn! (And it's a great time to show off the yummy yarn you bought.) We'll also have snacks and drinks with the Superbowl playing in the background. There will also be time to knit, crochet, and chat, of course! What to bring: For the yarn crawl, bring a big bag to hold yarn while shopping. Some people also like to bring a specific idea of which pattern they are shopping for, as well as a small project to work on while waiting in line. For the yarn fest, bring your yarn, magazines, books, and any other patterns. There will be a lot of materials, so keep your stash and books clearly marked so they don't get mixed up. And don't forget to bring a snack or drink to share with the group. Hope to see you there! You do not have to be a member of the guild to participate in the meetings or events. |
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